Wednesday, February 04, 2009

前几天看了Max Payne 感觉...

太悬乎了.. 游戏电影要都像这么扯王八蛋可完了

Friday, January 23, 2009



Saturday, January 10, 2009

关于鹰眼(Eagle Eye)的一点感想

花了10快钱买了一个盗版D9的Eagle Eye.. 刚开始看确实感觉不错.. 有那么点意思.但往后看越来越觉得不对..怎么感觉和I.Robot有点像..都是一个中央电脑搞乱了世界秩序..之后一个救世主去把整个秩序拉回到正常..

唉 现在的电影..

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Shadow On The Sun

Once upon a time
I was of the mind
To lay your burden down
Leave you where you stood
You believed I could
You'd seen it done before
I could read your thoughts
And tell you what you saw
And never say a word
But now all that is gone
Over with and done
Never to return

And I can tell you why
people die alone
I can tell you I'm
A shadow on the sun

Staring at the loss
Looking for the cause
And never really sure
Nothing but a hole
To live without a soul
And nothing to be learned

And I can tell you why
People go insane
I can show you how
You could do the same
I can tell you why
The end will never come
I can tell you I'm
A shadow on the sun

Shapes of every size
Move behind my eyes
Doors inside my head
Bolted from within
Every drop of flame
Lights a candle in
Memory of the one
Who lived inside my skin 

I can tell you why
People go insane
I can show you how
You could do the same
I can tell you why
The end will never come
I can tell you I'm
A shadow on the sun

Shadow on the sun
Shadow on the sun
Shadow on the sun
Shadow on the sun
Shadow on the sun
Shadow on the sun
Shadow on the sun
Shadow on the sun

Saturday, July 26, 2008




2.除了主角别人死活都不重要,好像那些群众们都是为了让主角逃脱才死的(比如那个唤醒Sarah 潜意识的教授)
3. 阿帕奇为什么那么长时间才用导弹.最开始的时候一直在用机关炮,而且并没有多大效果,我 在一个权威的国外防务网站查阅了AH-64阿帕奇的资料,用于地面火力压制的情况下左翼和右 翼可以各最大携带38枚FFAR导弹(总共76枚),1200发机关炮子弹,难道FFAR不如机关炮好使?
4.美国那些先进武器没用上,天空中满是飞龙的情况下居然没有战斗机出场,我就不信美国那么多 先进的战斗机打天上飞的还不如阿帕奇好使.
5.在楼顶提供火力支援的小股部队用居然还在用mp5,那么多火力强大的单兵武器不用偏偏用射 程并不远,威力并不大的冲锋枪.
7.坦克太少,面对黑压压的古代地面部队,居然就那么几个坦克,而且还用M113和悍马对付他们,美 军的那些布拉德利跑哪儿去了?另外坦克炮筒抬的太高了,那么近的交战距离需要抬那么高吗? 也不是打好几公里以外的东西,把自己当StuH 42了?
9.正义的蛇为啥早不来晚不来,偏偏在邪恶蛇要吃女主角的时候才来救场?刚才邪恶大蛇践踏美国 领土,屠杀美国百姓,扫平美国军队的时候它干啥去了?而且实力根本和邪恶一方不是一个等级 的.